With all the bad news floating around the world today, it’s always nice to get a feel-good story to lift our spirits. And we have a great one for you today. Apparently, 10-year-old twins ended up saving their dad from drowning by performing CPR on him. The funny thing is these kids weren’t trained in how to properly do CPR. In fact, they just did what they saw in the movies. Incredible, right? Check out more details via FaithIt: The Mountain Brook, Alabama family was spending time in their backyard pool like many other days. As Brad Hassig, a chiropractor…
Author: michael
The chief education officer in the state of Oklahoma made an announcement last Thursday that ALL schools are now going to be required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments into their curriculums, effective immediately. One of the reasons there has been so much confusion, despair, violence, drug use, and gender dysphoria as of late is because these timeless truths have not been taught biblical Christian values. For example, the Bible teaches that there are wonderful, beautiful things about being a male or a female. We should learn to love those things about our gender as they communicate timeless…
Many of the Christians who live here in the United States have no idea just how good they have it. Sure, we get made fun of for our faith. Yes, there are some who end up losing their job, losing relationships with friends or family members. And that’s definitely hard to deal with. However, we have not yet suffered unto the point of shedding blood as the Scriptures say. Unfortunately, there are plenty of places around the world where being a Christ follower can mean the forfeiture of your life. This is what happened to a family that recently converted…
Jonathan Roumie, who plays the role of Jesus Christ on the hit Christian series “The Chosen,” recently sat down for a chat with newly baptized Christ follower Russell Brand, where he explained the many difficulties and complexities of portraying the Savior of the human race in a show that is loosely based on the biblical Gospels. Can you imagine the kind of pressure that must come along with playing such an important role? Jesus is, without a doubt, the most important figure in all of human history. We’re talking about the God-Man, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who…
Popular Christian Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship stunned the Christian world when he announced that he would be stepping away from his position in leadership after confessing an unspecified sin that he had committed at some point in his past. The public have not been given much insight into what kind of sin might have made Evans feel it was necessary to step away from the pulpit, but, according to his son Jonathan, the family doesn’t know much more than we do. via The Christian Tribute: Jonathan Evans, who holds a leadership position at Oak Cliff Bible…
Son of the famous and ever popular Christian evangelist, Billy Graham, the Rev. Franklin Graham, recently made an announcement stating that he would be creating and launching the Billy Graham Defense Fund, an organization with a mission to provide Christians located in the United Kingdom with the support they need for facing persecution for their faith. I know what you’re probably thinking. Why create a group in the UK, which is the farthest thing from a third world Islamic country you can imagine, which is what people these days tend to think missions are all about. The truth is, Western…
Have you noticed how badly things have been going for the last four or five years? It really seems like the United States — well, a good chunk of the world too — really started a rapid descent into what one might refer to as the bowels of hell right when the coronavirus pandemic started and Joe Biden got elected president. And it’s just been on disaster after another. So what gives? Why does it feel like our nation, which was once clearly blessed by God, is now cursed? Popular Christian apologist Michael Brown believes he has the answer and…
A pair of women shared stories this week about how overturning the landmark decision by the Supreme Court known as Roe v. Wade ended up saving the lives of their children, just ahead of the second anniversary of the ruling’s reversal by SCOTUS next week. I never, ever thought we’d see this awful, tragic, and bloody mistake reversed in my lifetime. Yet it happened. Never underestimate the power of God working through His church to accomplish good here on this earth. And while the battle is far from over, as the war now wages at the state level, we have…
Colleen, 18, was surrendered at what’s called a “Safe Haven” box in the city of Clermont, Florida when she was only a day old. As an infant, she was received by Battalion Chief Dan Miller at Lake County Firehouse No. 112, and just several weeks later, she was placed with an adoptive family. This young lady has now graduated from high school and reunited with many of the stations’ firefighters who received her the day she was left at the Safe Haven box who helped change her life forever. This is the kind of story that will turn your heart…
Diehard believer in Jesus, Phil Robertson, former star of the smash success reality series, “Duck Dynasty,” gave a little chat recently about being a part of God’s Eternal Kingdom, a blessing that anyone can receive so long as they repent of their sins, place their trust in Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. He went on to say during this conversation that he is “fired up” to spend forever, a concept that is so very difficult to wrap the human brain around, with the Creator and Ruler of all things. This is the kind of attitude all of…
Popular Christian Pastor Tony Evans, leader of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship that features 11,000 members, has stepped away from his duties for what is being called a season of restoration “due to sin,” the church announced this week. We sometimes forget that pastors are just regular people too, who have weaknesses and struggles just like we do. They are not perfect, though we sometimes expect them to be, don’t we? The grace we often have for ourselves is rarely extended to anyone else, and that’s not what Christ would have us do. “On Sunday, June 9, at both services, Dr.…
A controversial ruling has been handed down by a court in Iraq, which has decided that a Christian mother, Elvin Joseph, along with her three children must convert from Christianity to Islam. Now, I want you to pause for a moment. These kind of individuals who are violating the God-given right of freedom of religion of these four individuals, are the same as those who are in Gaza that are being supported by the kids at college campuses all across our beautiful country. This is why it is critical for all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ to…
One of the beautiful things about the United States is that we are guaranteed freedom of religious expression, thanks to the brilliance of our founders who enshrined this God-given right in the amendments to the Constitution. This gives us the liberty to discuss our religious beliefs, attend a church of our choice, and follow our conscience as we parse out how to live a godly, holy life in honor of Christ. Unfortunately, this right does not exist everywhere. via The Christian Post: Advocates for religious freedom are urging the Egyptian government to release two Christian men, Nour Girgis and Abdulbaqi…
Popular conservative commentator and former host with the Daily Wire, Candace Owens, recently converted to Catholicism and has been growing bolder in her proclamation of the gospel along with observations being made through the new lens of her faith, including her recent characterization of history as an ongoing “holy war that is being waged against goodness.” I would say that’s a correct statement, so long as we recognize that “goodness” is defined by God and is found in the pages of Sacred Scripture. We have to be careful not to present a vague sense of what is “good.” Mankind is…
We now know the official cause of death for award-winning Christian singer Mandisa, who passed away at the age of 47. The official records say she passed away due to obesity-related health issues. And that, of course, is going to royally tick off the “body positive” movement — usually chock full of liberals — who seem to think we should celebrate all body types without criticism or encouraging a person to lose weight. At the end of the day, that’s the most unloving thing you could do to folks like Mandisa who are at risk of losing their life because…
Current podcast host, comedian, and former actor, Russell Brand, recently posted up a video where he shared an update concerning his first month as a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and it’s absolutely beautiful and inspiring. If you have been struggling with your faith for a bit or been going through a dry season in your relationship with God, you need to hear what Russell has to say. His story will remind you of what it was like to first dedicate your life to Jesus and begin discovering the depth of His love for us, despite the fact…
Former Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, a diehard believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, is seeing his famous John 3:16 eye blacks once again make waves across the internet. For those of you who don’t know the story behind them, you’re in for a treat, as this is a super inspiring tale that will feed your faith in Christ. Okay, so if you’re not a big football fan or are new to the sport, you might not know what eye blacks are. You know those black paint stripes you see under an athlete’s eye? Those are eye blacks. They aren’t…
Harrison Butker, star football player for the Kansas City Chiefs, ended up causing quite a stir online after making a commencement speech at a Benedictine College, a Catholic school, where he made an argument that his family life was greatly improved by his wife’s decision to be a homemaker and raise the couple’s children while he was the one who focused on his career. In our modern era, which has been infected with feminism, women all over the world started lashing out at him and getting nasty over his comments. Yet, despite the backlash, Butker remained steadfast. We are in…
The season finale of American Idol — it’s 22nd by the way — included an amazingly powerful version of a song called “Goodness to God” which aired while millions of people tuned in to watch the show and getting to see a performance by a legend in gospel music known as CeCe Winans and contestant Roman Collins who performed the uplifting spiritual song as a duet. Too often we put God in a box, thinking He can’t use something like American Idol, which is typical reality television schlock — let’s face it, the show is super corny and most of…
On Pentecost Sunday, the largest synchronized baptism in the history of the United States took place in the state of California, with 12,000 individuals getting dunked in order to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The pastor who started the movement that led to this movement, which is called Baptize California, recently revealed that he has an even bigger vision of taking this across the country and even the world. Now that’s the kind of ambition we as believers should be cultivating. There’s no greater cause in the world than expanding the Kingdom of…