Author: michael

In the early part of 2024, the United Methodist Church ended up losing a million members over the course of just one day. It’s honestly hard to imagine what they might have done in order to cause that many people, all at once, to up and leave their denomination, but it must have been bad, right? It was. The UMC completely abandoned the standards of Holy Scripture by embracing the LGBTQ community and cause. The Christian Tribune reported that a fairly large West African conference voted to leave the UMC over its acceptance of LGBT clergy and same-sex marriages. The…

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A coalition of various Jewish organizations drafted a letter that was sent off to Pope Francis, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, earlier in the week, criticizing his comments concerning the Israel-Hamas conflict, saying they “distort Israel’s legitimate military campaign and fuel antisemitism.” The current pope has been making a lot of controversial statements on a number of issues that have led to heavy criticism of not only him, but the Church as a whole. This is mostly due to the fact that those under his leadership closely follow his lead and haven’t really seemed to engage much with…

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A report published by the American Principles Project, also known as the APP, states that measures taken by the Department of Education “unfairly” targeted Christian colleges and universities, while turning a blind eye to Ivy League institutions. The documents says that it found a staggering 70 percent of the actions concerned faith-based and career schools. Keep in mind these kind of schools represent less than ten percent of students across the entire nation. According to the new report, , ” Created with the implicit purpose of advancing the Biden-Harris administration’s woke agenda, the Department’s Office of Enforcement also targeted two…

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On Christmas Eve, popular television outdoorsman and reality star, Bear Grylls, got on his X account and attempted to use the Lord Jesus Christ as a means to push a radical leftist agenda by making the claim that His mother, Mary, was “Palestinian” and that both she and her earthly husband, Joseph, were “refugees” when the came to Bethlehem, the city where the Lord was born. This is a fairly common liberal talking point that tries to hijack the birth of Christ and turn it into a story that backs up their pro illegal immigration stance. “One common method is…

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On a recent Christmas episode of the “Faith and Reason” program at LifeSiteNews, co-host of the show Deacon Keith Fournier shared his conversion from Marxist rebel to devoted Catholic. In reality, his tale is more accurately labeled a “reversion” story because he grew up in a Catholic family, attended Catholic school, went to Mass on a regular basis, and even received the sacraments. However, things took a turn toward the darkness when a house fire led to his father, the head of the household, having his faith shaken to the core. Fournier went on a journey of his own to…

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A total of 14 Christians, including a one-year-old baby girl and a pregnant woman, were all murdered in cold blood following a Christmas carol service in Plateau state, Nigeria, clearly demonstrating that persecution of Christ followers is alive and well in various parts of the world. This awful incident is just the latest in a slew of such attacks against the Irigwe tribe, which resides in the north-central region of the country. The attack took place about 22 miles from Jos, Plateau state, and was carried out against the Evangelical Church Winning All, according to International Christian Concern, a persecution…

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A field trip for school to Ein Kerem, located in the Judean Hills in Israel, resulted in a 10-year-old boy making a once-in-a-lifetime discovery, according to a report released by the Israel Antiquities Authority. The Christian Post is reporting that information gleaned from an article put out by the Jerusalem Post says the discovery was a “golden medallion, which features a micro-mosaic technique, and was examined by Amit Re’em, the IAA’s Jerusalem District Archaeologist.” The area of Ein Kerem is known to be a significant pilgrimage destination for followers of Christ who want to see the birthplace of John the…

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Pastor John-Paul Miller, 45, from South Carolina is now at the center of a national controversy following the tragic death of his wife, Mica Miller, who committed suicide and he was taken into custody by law enforcement on assault charges, all of which happened just a few short days after the FBI conducted a raid on his home. Miller was slapped with a charge of third-degree assault and battery. The incident that led to the charge was due to a violent encounter the pastor had with  a “Justice for Mica” protester outside of his church located in Myrtle Beach. Miller,…

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NFL kicker Jake Bates was recently asked to on his most unlikely journey from selling bricks to playing professional football where he makes game-winning kicks for the Detroit Lions. I mean, how, exactly, does one get into the business of selling bricks? That’s a bit of a strange calling, but then again, God uses all jobs — that aren’t sinful in nature — as a means of running the world through us, so everything has value. Bates took the opportunity to discuss the love of Jesus Christ during a prime-time interview that aired on NBC after he helped secure a…

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Bishops within the Church of England are causing quite a stink across Christendom after they raised concerns that there are specific Christmas carols that they believe are “problematic.” The reason? Because they make explicit references to Jesus as being the “true Messiah.” I’m not exactly sure why this is a problem, seeing as that’s exactly who and what Jesus is. The whole point of Christmas is that Christ, who is the pre-existent Second Person of the Trinity, came down as a man to rescue sinners from the power and penalty of their sin. That’s the gospel. It’s the reason for…

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Christian Pastor Rob Warren, who leads the congregation of Doxa Church, recently shared a powerful story and a few other members of a teacher he knew that was killed during the tragic shooting that took place at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin just a week ago. Warren said that the teacher, Erin West, 42, was a “woman who loved Jesus and loved people.” During the incident, 15-year-old Natalie Rupnow used a 9 mm handgun to kill two individuals and seriously wound 6 others. The shooter did not survive. One student and one teacher died as a result of…

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Monsignor Rolando Alvarez was able to finally hold Mass, his first one since he was banished from Nicaragua by communist dictator Daniel Ortega. Alvarez, the bishop of the diocese of Matagalpa, celebrated Mass in the nation of Spain. Alvarez was tossed behind bars back in August 2022, along with other folks who were part of his diocese, toward the end of a two-week raid conducted by Nicaraguan officials on his parish. Again, folks, I want to remind you that in other parts of the world, our brothers and sisters in Christ face extremely harsh persecutions. It’s not just being made…

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Popular Oscar-winning actor Denzel Washington was baptized on Saturday, but he went a step further than that, becoming a licensed minister as well. Washington has never been all that hesitant to talk about his faith in the past so this is just a logical next step for him in his walk with Jesus Christ. Pretty cool to see a popular figure with a massive platform publicly announce his faith in the Lord and that he plans to minister to others and bring glory to God. Maybe that boldness will rub off on others in Hollywood? Let’s hope so. According to…

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As soon as the trailer for Netflix’s “Mary” was released online, I immediately knew this was going to be a masterclass in blasphemy and I was not at all disappointed. As a Catholic, the Blessed Mother is very, very important to me. If not for her submission to God and agreeing to give birth to and raise the Messiah, to literally allow her DNA to make up the flesh of the God-Man, there would be no possibility of salvation. She had the freedom to say no. But she submitted to God’s will out of faith. That’s a big deal. So…

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After spending two-and-a-half years in prison and locked in a legal battle in Nigeria over charges of blasphemy, a Christian mother with five children has now been fully acquitted of all charges. It’s going to be a very Merry Christmas for Rhoda Jatau and her family this year. I can’t think of a better gift and evidence of God’s grace than a mother reunited with her kids. A judge in Bauchi State court has acquitted Jatau, according to an announcement that was made on Thursday by a legal advocacy group known as ADF International, which backed her in the case.…

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John Rich, who is a modern-day legend within the country music industry, grew up in a Christian household, to a father who first began preaching the Word of God as a 19-year-old. That takes a whole lot of courage and faith, especially if you know just how cruel young folk in that age bracket can sometimes be. The singer recently revealed that his father never really preached in big churches, like the megachurches we see all over the place today. No, his dad was the kind of man who took the Word to those the rest of the world tended…

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An organization for religious liberty advocacy has awarded a group of residents in a Texas town this week after they pushed back against a resident — notice that says “resident” as in one — who tried to have a Nativity scene that was put up outside the local courthouse taken down. It always amazes me how there’s always that one person who complains about Christians “shoving religion down their throat,” all the while they try to force their views on everyone else. It’s like a person who is nose blind to their own vile scent. The organization, The Becket Fund…

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Willie Robertson, the son of “Duck Dynasty” star and patriarch Phil Robertson, came out and shared some additional details about his father’s health struggles, saying that he is “battling many different things at the same time,” but is “sharp as ever” when it comes to biblical knowledge. Which means this is a man that had his priorities right and invested in taking in the Bible as deeply as he could. We should all be so dedicated to reading Scripture. “He’s got a blood disorder, and then he’s got the mental issues that could be early [on-set] Alzheimer’s … and probably…

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation has officially launched a probe into a highly secretive cult known as “Two by Two,” which has remained in the shadows for decades. Just about everything to do with the group is a secret. It was originally established in 1897 by William Irvine in Ireland. The sect’s members refer to the group as “The Way” or “The Truth,” and have essentially eluded any and all legal oversight, even though a few of its leaders have been sentenced to prison. Advocates are hoping the investigation will help provide a path forward for those who escape its…

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After getting massive backlash, the Vatican has taken down a Nativity scene that was inaugurated by Pope Frances last weekend. The controversy was due to the wooden figure of the baby Jesus being laid down on a keffiyeh, which is a traditional Palestinian scarf that has come to be a symbol for Palestine, despite the fact such a state doesn’t officially exist. With the terrorist attack that happened to Israel in Oct. 2023, which was carried out by Hamas, a Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization, the display was truly in poor taste. Pope Francis has consistently been a leader that seeks…

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