Author: michael

Olympic track star Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone is a dedicated believer in Jesus who recently took an opportunity during the Paris 2024 Games to heap praise upon the God of all creation for giving her the strength to do what no woman has ever done in the women’s 400-meter hurdles: become a two-time champion. McLaughlin-Levrone is a shining example of what it means to make Jesus the center of your life. When you understand that while you have cultivated the various gifts God has given you for His glory in this life, you wouldn’t have them at all if not for Him.…

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The world we live in has always been hostile to believers of Jesus Christ. Nothing has changed in thousands of years since the founding of our faith, the proof being the hatred that Olympic athletes from all around the world are receiving from secularists due to their coming together from various countries in order to praise and worship he Lord together. The good news, of course, is that none of this is stopping these amazing athletes from lifting God’s name, publicly, with zero fear and shame. According to a report published by The Western Journal, Cindy Sember, a British Olympic…

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A group of six Christians and a driver have discovered just how anti-Christian France as a whole, Paris in particular truly is after they were arrested for riding in a bus with a graphic that protested the opening ceremony of the Olympics. The sign plastered on the vehicle also demanded an end to the persecution of Christians. The world is seemingly falling more and more under the control of the Evil One and playing their part as pawns in his schemes against Christ. A total of six team members who are part of an organization called CitizenGO, a group that…

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Evangelical leader and member of the Hispanic community, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, along with the pastor of a megachurch located in the state of Minnesota, have put out a statement together that slams Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, for selecting the state’s governor, Tim Walz, as her running mate. The statement was sent to The Christian Post and was penned by Robert Ketterling, the author and co-founding pastor of the River Valley Church in Minnesota. Rodriguez is the pastor who leads the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference out of California. He stated that the choosing of Walz was…

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The CEO of Intel, Pat Gelsinger, is getting a mixed reaction after he posted a Bible verse from the book of Proverbs on Sunday after making the announcement that his company was going to layoff a whopping 15 percent of its workforce as its stock price takes a steep dive. The verse in question comes from Provers 4:25-26, which says, “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.” According to The Christian Post, Gelsinger caught a lot of negative attention…

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Vice President Kamala Harris, the current Democratic Party presidential nominee, is making one of her very first campaign appearances on a television program that glorifies cross-dressing (forbidden in the Holy Bible) and gender confusion. As we all know, transgenderism has become a social contagion among young people, infecting young, impressionable minds who see their favorite influencers using gender dysphoria to look cool and special and they want to be like them. The problem, of course, is that it’s mostly just a phase, but during this phase, kids are taking dangerous hormone blockers and getting their genitals mutilated, things you can’t…

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Just a few days after elders at Cross Timers Church, a congregation located in Argyle, Texas said that lead Pastor Josiah Anthony stepped down from his post over “inappropriate and hurtful” behavior toward staff that was not of a sexual nature, more facts have come to light contradicting that statement. The elders came forward and revealed they found evidence that Anthony was engaged in sexual behavior and are now preparing for more allegations to be made in the near future. This is absolutely tragic. Sexual sin is so prevalent in our society, celebrated, accepted, and even encouraged. It’s difficult for…

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Actress and outspoken Christian Candace Cameron Bure, sister of Kirk Cameron, is not backing down or budging on her criticism of the drag show segment during the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony, which made a mocker of the Last Supper. The Last Supper is an event of critical importance for those who practice the Christian faith. It’s a biblical event in which the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated Passover with His disciples the night before His crucifixion. During this celebration, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, known as Communion, which Christians often celebrate. It’s an important sacrament that imparts the grace of God…

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Radical leftists attempt to tell us all the time that Islam is a religion of peace, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Take a long look down the corridor of history. What you’ll see when it comes to the Islamic faith is nothing but bloodshed, oppression, rape, debauchery, and war. It’s what the their scriptures teach. To subject the world to Allah by any means necessary, including violent conquest. Conversion at the point of a sword. Contrary to what liberals say, there is no tolerance in true Islam for those who are of different beliefs. They especially hate…

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This past Friday was the kick-off of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, and the super liberal folk within the organization that planned the opening ceremonies wanted to ensure they offended as many people as they possibly could while also winning woke points for jam-packing every possible second with their sick and twisted ideology. During the program, we witnessed an absolute mockery of the Last Supper featuring drag queens, which is totally blasphemous to the Christian religion and displays a lack of “tolerance” — something progressives claim to have by the metric ton — as Communion is a a…

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Well, I hope all of you have your big boy pants on and are all prayed up, because if what a woman who claims to have had a conversation with an angel said is true, 2025 is going to be one wild ride. You thought things were already pretty bumpy? Me too. Alas, the Bible often foretells the end of days being a period of war, famine, poverty, persecution, and all sorts of chaos that, well, I would rather avoid, but I didn’t write the story. God did. And He’s a better storyteller than I could ever be. A man…

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Immediately after President Joe Biden announced he would be stepping down as the Democratic Party presidential nominee, there were more than a few pro-life leaders who decided to weigh in on the implications for the cause of pre-born children across the country should Vice President Kamala Harris end up winning the election in November. For those who might not be aware, Harris is a hardcore advocate for child murder. In fact, when she’s actually discussing this particular issue, she’s unusually coherent, fluid, and impactful. The rest of the time she speaks in public Harris serves up word salads that are…

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God is good, all the time. A Baptist clergyman residing in Myanmar who received a six-year prison sentence by the military government in the country has now been released after serving 12 months behind bars after a massive influx of international calls were made for him to be let out. The Lord answers prayers, as this so obviously proves. Never be hesitant to turn to God with prayer requests, no matter how big or small, because He cares for us and every part of our lives. According to the Christian Post, the Rev. Hkalam Samson, who once served as the…

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One of the things that sets the United States apart from the rest of the world is how we have enshrined religious freedom in our founding document, the Constitution, guaranteeing that individuals who are citizens of the nation can practice whatever faith they desire without fear of being persecuted by the federal government. The First Amendment is the bedrock of the Constitution and is why the Second Amendment exists. Without having weapons in your possession, it will be all the more difficult to protect your other rights from out-of-control government. And given that governments are often run by fallible, sinful…

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Christian Pastor Robert Jeffress received a note from former President Donald Trump after the Republican presidential nominee was made aware of the fire that engulfed the sanctuary of the historic First Baptist Church. Trump has made it clear during his political career that he considers believers in Jesus to be his close allies and has gone to bat for them a number of times against the oppression of the radical left that has attempted to persecute — and in some instances prosecute — them for applying their faith in public life. “This historic sanctuary that burned to the ground was…

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A number of leaders within the Christian community have now come out and shared their reaction to the news that broke on Sunday concerning President Joe Biden’s future in the 2024 presidential race. Biden shared a letter on social media Sunday afternoon revealing that he was going to drop out of the race and no longer be the Democratic Party’s nominee, which comes about after weeks of immense pressure from fellow Democrats within the government and in Hollywood following a disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump last month. Michael Wear, an evangelical Christian and activist/author who used to…

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Individuals who have been locked in a battle against addiction know well that sobriety doesn’t always take the first time you try. Heck, a lot of times not even a second try guarantees success. It can take repeated tries over many, many years before the goal is achieved. The process can take its toll on the addict and their family. However, one recovery group, located in the Bay Area, has been helping hundreds of folks to break the cycle of addiction and has provided these individuals with all of the tools they need to experience success and rebuild their lives,…

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Former President Donald Trump addressed the crowd at the Republican National Convention on Thursday evening where he accepted the party’s presidential nomination and spoke about the assassination attempt made on his life last Saturday, July 13, noting that God was on his side during the incident, in a conversation with the country that included explanations of several key elements of his platform. Some might find it strange I’m describing the “speech” as a “conversation,” but that’s really what it was. Trump’s tone was relaxed and not at all formal. He came across in his communication like a man who has…

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God is the sovereign Ruler of the entire universe, which means there’s not a single moment, event, whether tragic or full of joy and happiness, not a solitary atom, that moves or occurs without being ordained by His hand. While that can be a hard truth to digest, knowing that He rules over everything is the only comfort we have when things go wrong. Our minds, hearts, and souls long to make sense of the world around us, especially when tragedy strikes and we lost someone close to us. Having recently lost my own mother, I can tell you this…

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A brand new poll has emerged showing that Catholics are not big fans of the migration policies being pushed by the Church, which is contradicting bishops who are supporters of President Joe Biden’s mass migration efforts — the open border policies that are currently causing chaos along the southern portion of the country — according to a report that was published in June 2024, by a survey team affiliated with the Church. Gee, imagine that. Actual boots-on-the-ground Christians, the ones who have to deal with the shenanigans perpetrated by illegal immigrants, are against allowing massive waves of strangers into their…

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