Author: michael

Current podcast host, comedian, and former actor, Russell Brand, recently posted up a video where he shared an update concerning his first month as a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and it’s absolutely beautiful and inspiring. If you have been struggling with your faith for a bit or been going through a dry season in your relationship with God, you need to hear what Russell has to say. His story will remind you of what it was like to first dedicate your life to Jesus and begin discovering the depth of His love for us, despite the fact…

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Former Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, a diehard believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, is seeing his famous John 3:16 eye blacks once again make waves across the internet. For those of you who don’t know the story behind them, you’re in for a treat, as this is a super inspiring tale that will feed your faith in Christ. Okay, so if you’re not a big football fan or are new to the sport, you might not know what eye blacks are. You know those black paint stripes you see under an athlete’s eye? Those are eye blacks. They aren’t…

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Harrison Butker, star football player for the Kansas City Chiefs, ended up causing quite a stir online after making a commencement speech at a Benedictine College, a Catholic school, where he made an argument that his family life was greatly improved by his wife’s decision to be a homemaker and raise the couple’s children while he was the one who focused on his career. In our modern era, which has been infected with feminism, women all over the world started lashing out at him and getting nasty over his comments. Yet, despite the backlash, Butker remained steadfast. We are in…

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The season finale of American Idol — it’s 22nd by the way — included an amazingly powerful version of a song called “Goodness to God” which aired while millions of people tuned in to watch the show and getting to see a performance by a legend in gospel music known as CeCe Winans and contestant Roman Collins who performed the uplifting spiritual song as a duet. Too often we put God in a box, thinking He can’t use something like American Idol, which is typical reality television schlock — let’s face it, the show is super corny and most of…

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On Pentecost Sunday, the largest synchronized baptism in the history of the United States took place in the state of California, with 12,000 individuals getting dunked in order to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The pastor who started the movement that led to this movement, which is called Baptize California, recently revealed that he has an even bigger vision of taking this across the country and even the world. Now that’s the kind of ambition we as believers should be cultivating. There’s no greater cause in the world than expanding the Kingdom of…

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World renowned expert in trends concerning worldview and the Christian church, George Barna, has done an in-depth analysis of information and data which has enabled him to provide an answer to the question of what the biggest challenge facing the modern-day church is, and according to him, it’s “Christian invisibility in our culture.” And let me just say, I completely agree with what he’s saying. Many Christians from a wide variety of denominations and beliefs have decided to withdraw from the world, to go bury their heads in the sand and just hope for the rapture, rather than investing time,…

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A high school student hailing from Indiana is continuing to fight tooth-and-nail against school officials who have refused to recognize an after school pro-life club, accusing the advertising for the group as being too “political.” You can guarantee that they would not at all say the same thing if this was a LGBTQ group. But since this is club that would feature folks attempting to save the lives of the unborn, the only true individuals who are having their civil rights trampled on in our modern era. Work to preserve life? No way. Not a chance. Promote mental illness and…

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Popular pastor, Matt Chandler, who oversees The Village Church recently came out and made a statement about the mark of the beast that is leaving Christians across the world shocked and potentially a little frightened. According to Chandler, the mark of the beast is “active even now in this moment of history that we’re in” before going on to address what he believes are common misconceptions that people have concerning the number 666, which comes from Revelation 13. via The Christian Post: In an Instagram video posted over the weekend, the 49-year-old Texas-based pastor said many people are familiar with…

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A man from Pennsylvania was taken into police custody after attempting to shoot a Christian pastor while he was preaching a sermon that was being livestreamed during a Sunday service, just hours before one of his relatives dead body was discovered in a home where the suspect lived, according to information obtained from local authorities. Being a Christian, especially a leader in the Body of Christ who is tasked with preaching the fullness of the gospel and the Word of the Lord in a world that has grown extremely hostile to God. We always need to have our hearts prepared…

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There’s a passage in the New Testament, Romans 1:16, that says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek,” which testifies to the fact that message of redemption through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has the power to rescue even the worst of sinners. It’s a truth that gives hope to those of us who have made shipwreck of our lives and have indulged the impulses of our darker sides. Andy…

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Christian actress Candace Cameron Bure, most widely known for playing DJ Tanner in “Full House” and it’s sequel series “Fuller House,” displayed just how true and genuine her faith in Christ really is while speaking during the 2024 Movieguide Award Gala, the 31st of such events. Bure decided to take an opportunity while at the event to pray for those who were in attendance and others involved in the entertainment industry. According to the Christian Tribune, the prayer kicked off after Bure said that she hoped everyone was enjoying themselves and gave thanks for all those who put on the…

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Hollywood actor and former Saturday Night Live Star Rob Schneider recently conducted an interview with Christian Broadcast Network concerning his recent conversion to the Christian faith, more specifically, Roman Catholicism, and how Jesus “grabbed” him when he went down a dark, sinful path, along with what makes Christianity different from other faiths in the world. According to The Christian Tribune, Schneider, talking about how Christianity focuses primarily on love and how that is very different from other religions and ideologies, went on to say, “There are other religions out there that say, ‘Well, kill your enemy; hate your enemy.’” He…

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Mr. T, most well known for his role in the popular 1980s television series “The A Team” and for playing Clubber Lang in “Rocky 3” recently did an interview on the Trinity Broadcasting Network where he spoke at length about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the grace of God, going on to explain how the Lord calls people to Himself and that those who receive that call are then saved from their sins and the wrath of God those sins have earned. He then pointed out the gospel call is for all people, not just one small group of…

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Once upon a time, the vast majority of American citizens held similar values, even if we disagreed on smaller, secondary issues, we all believed in freedom and in protecting one another’s God-given rights. There was a shared objective moral standard that was eternal, unchangeable, that was upheld not only by our government, but by educational institutions, entertainment, and regular everyday people. Folks would help one another if they were in need, regardless of where their political beliefs laid on the spectrum. People were decent to one another, for the most part. In the second decade of the 21st century, that…

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Liberal actor Brian Cox recently decided to share his views on religion during an episode of “The Starting Line Podcast,” and boy did he not have good things to say about the Word of God. It’s easy to get angry at someone like Cox for saying hateful things toward God, but at the same time we need to remember what the Lord commands when it comes to people who are at enmity with Him. We are to pray for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts and minds so they will receive the gospel and be reconciled to the Father…

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There’s a new film being produced about the life of “It’s a Wonderful Life” actor Jimmy Stewart — who also starred in the classic, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” — that will focus largely on his strong Christian faith. The film is being directed and produced by Aaron Burns, who is working closely with the Stewart family to make the project a reality. I think this is a great idea. Stewart is a legend in the film business with a really deep resume of amazing films. Back when he was active in Hollywood, things were very different from the way…

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Actor, comedian, and podcast host Russell Brand announced on Monday that he was officially baptized as a Christian on Sunday, going on to post a video describing his experience on social media platform X. The 48-year-old first shared that he would be following the Lord’s command to believe and be baptized last week after formerly being a Buddhist. Jesus is Lord, ladies and gentlemen. And there’s no one who is beyond His ability to save. “Yesterday I got baptized, and it was an incredible, profound experience,” the British-born actor said at the start of the video. “Many aspects of it…

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I’m about to tell you something that might just blow your mind. Did you know there’s such a thing as a pro-life Democrat? I know what you’re thinking. I must be talking about some sort of mythical creature like a unicorn, something I read in a fantasy novel or something, right? Nope. There really are pro-life Democrats. At least one, anyway. And while being pro-life and a Democrat is not impossible, it really is very inconsistent with the rest of the ideology that the Democratic Party pushes, so one has to wonder how a person with such a stance on…

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Famous Navy SEAL sniper, Chris Kyle, who wrote the book, “American Sniper,” which later became a huge blockbuster film, was shot to death by a fellow veteran he was attempting to help deal with post-traumatic stress, a disorder he himself dealt with. Kyle was also a strong believer in Jesus Christ. His faith was critically important to him, so much so that he made sure to impart that part of his life to his children before his untimely death. And it’s a good thing he did, as his kids are now saying it’s that faith that has helped them to…

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I think it’s safe to say that things in the United States are becoming more and more hostile toward Christians, especially those who are big believers in personal responsibility, liberty, and the pr0-life cause. Nowadays, if you dare to believe that a biological man cannot become a woman, you are deemed a bigot and are ostracized from much of mainstream society. However, the persecution beginning to happen for those who attempt to save the lives of unborn children is truly a sign that our country has departed from its roots. According to the Christian Post, a Christian woman who managed,…

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