I think it’s safe to say that things in the United States are becoming more and more hostile toward Christians, especially those who are big believers in personal responsibility, liberty, and the pr0-life cause. Nowadays, if you dare to believe that a biological man cannot become a woman, you are deemed a bigot and are ostracized from much of mainstream society. However, the persecution beginning to happen for those who attempt to save the lives of unborn children is truly a sign that our country has departed from its roots.
According to the Christian Post, a Christian woman who managed, by the grace of God, to survive a communist concentration camp in Eastern Europe, is now making preparations to die in an American prison after the United States Department of Justice has filed charges against her for protesting outside of abortion clinics.
Eva Edl, who is 88-years-old, was one of 11 protesters Biden’s deplorable and corrupt DOJ filed charges against for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, otherwise known as FACE, when they held a demonstration outside the Carafem Health Center Clinic close to the city of Nashville on March 15, 2021.
In October 2022, the DOJ accused them of intimidating and interfering “with employees of the clinic and a patient who was seeking reproductive health services” at the clinic. A federal judge found her and four others guilty earlier this month, and she awaits sentencing on July 30.
Edl also faces charges stemming from an August 2020 protest at an abortion clinic in Sterling Heights, Michigan, and an April 2021 protest at a clinic in Saginaw, Michigan. Collectively, Edl potentially faces 11 years in prison and $350,000 in fines.
Edl told The Daily Signal that she is already resigned to the possibility that she will be imprisoned until the end of her life for her protests, during which she and others attempted to dissuade women from going through with their planned abortions.
“When I was indicted, I began to prepare to die there,” she told the outlet. “Right now, I am ambivalent. … I’m doing the best I can to get ready. Haven’t talked to a funeral director yet.”
“I’m just being sensible,” she continued. “There’s no guarantee that I survive it.”
The CP then reported that Edl issued a warning that our government is looking more and more like the very communist regime her family escaped from, telling the outlet that she was only 9 when they were all taken by cattle car to the Gakovo concentration camp that was located in Yugoslavia.
Edl’s family were of Danube Swabian origin, which is specific group of Slavs that speak German, who were targeted for extermination by Josip Broz, the nation’s communist president, following World War II.
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“We were packed body to body, and being a small child, I could hardly breathe,” she remembered. “We had no food, no water.” She added that her mother found it inconceivable that the government would persecute them until it happened, which she suggested should be a cautionary tale for Americans today.
According to her website, Edl was rescued from Gakovo, escaped to Austria and ultimately wound up in the U.S., where she became involved in the pro-life movement after learning about what she has described as America’s “death camps.” She has been arrested 46 times since the 1980s for her protests at abortion clinics, which she said never involved violence.
“She recalled that she was even arrested on the order of former Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., when she went to his office in the 1990s to complain about his support for the FACE Act, the repeal of which some Republicans have lately been calling for amid the increasing number of pro-life activists who are being charged under it during the Biden presidency,” the Christian Post stated.
Edl told the Daily Signal that the memories she has of being rounded up and taken to a camp to be murdered in cold blood have made her fiery, bold, and helped her not be concerned about her arrests. She compared the situation to other Yugoslavians who were so terrified by their situation they wouldn’t take a stand against the evil being carried out by a diabolical government.
“What if citizens of my country would have overcome their fear, and a number of them stood on those railroad tracks between the gate of the entrance to the death camp and the train?” she explained. “The train would have to stop. And while the guards on those trains would be busy rounding up the ones that were in front of the train, another group could have come in, pried open our cattle car and possibly set us free, but nobody did.”
The concentration camp survivor then spoke about how some individuals cried as the cattle cars carrying people to their almost certain deaths took off down the tracks toward the camp, however, without any sort of action, those tears were useless.
“So, when we place our bodies between the woman and the clinic, we buy time to get our sidewalk counselors the opportunity to speak with women, and hopefully open their hearts with love for their babies and let their babies live,” she remarked speaking of the goals of the tactics she and others have been employing when they protest.
“I feel very strongly, because of my background, that human life is sacred,” Edl told the Daily Signal. “Government does not have the authority to permit what God forbids. And murder is forbidden by God.”
Former President Donald Trump mentioned Edl’s case during a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters 2024 International Christian Media Convention in Nashville in February.
Trump presented the treatment of Edl and the other defendants in Tennessee as an example of Biden’s DOJ exhibiting communist-like tactics by targeting Christians, even as they leave the southern border wide open while allowing many criminals to break the law with impunity.
“This is a communist state, just so you understand,” Trump went on to say. “This is the beginning of a communist state, whether it’s [my indictments] or any one of another thousand things that are going on. This is the only way they’re going to be able to stay in office because they’re running a regime that is so incompetent. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.”