The Presbyterian Church USA has lost a staggering 1 million active members since 2009, according to new information released by the organization in its annual statistics report. This is proof that when you abandon the Scriptures and start ordaining women and homosexuals as ministers in your local congregations, in essence “going woke,” those who actually read and apply the Word to their lives won’t stand for it. Instead, they’ll find other places to worship who actually believe and uphold the principles found in the Bible.
And make no mistake about it. Liberalism has infected the PCUSA to such a degree that the vast majority of its churches are spewing forth heresy. Healthy churches that stick to Sacred Scripture grow by leaps and bounds. Heretic churches fall to pieces. The PCUSA is a good case in point.
According to The Christian Post:
On Tuesday, the PCUSA released its annual statistics report, which found that the United States’ largest Presbyterian denomination had approximately 1.094 million members in 2023. This represented a decline of nearly 46,000 members compared to 2022 when the PCUSA reported having 1.14 million active members. Additionally, the denomination saw a drop in member congregations, going from 8,705 churches in 2022 to 8,572 churches last year, or a decline of 133 congregations.
These numbers contrast sharply with the PCUSA numbers in 2009, when the denomination reported having almost twice as many members, with a total of about 2.07 million. Additionally, in 2009, the denomination had 10,657 member congregations, or more than 2,000 affiliated churches than it did in 2023.
“I think it can be easy for us to see the decline in numbers and lose hope. We are certainly facing challenges, and we are trying to address those in various expressions of the denomination,” the Rev. Jihyun Oh, executive director and stated clerk of the General Assembly of the Interim Unified Agency of the PCUSA, went on to explain in a statement published on Tuesday acknowledging the decline. “However, there are also vital ministries and faithful discipleship represented in the statistics across the full range of faith community types and sizes. God continues to do new things in us and through us.”
Well, it sure isn’t ordaining female ministers and normalizing homosexuality. Those are not the “new things” the Lord is accomplishing through the PCUSA. Those are things God hates because they violate His Word. Of course, that doesn’t seem to bother those who have long since abandoned the deposit of faith handed down by Jesus to the Apostles and then on to their successors.
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The 2023 statistical report also found that the largest age demographic in the PCUSA were members aged 71 and older, which comprise 33.46% of the denomination. By contrast, individuals aged 17 and younger only made up 3.99% of the membership. Regarding gender identification, the PCUSA saw a slight increase in the number of men who belong to the denomination, going from around 348,000 in 2022 to around 365,000 in 2023. Additionally, members who identify as “Non-Binary/Genderqueer” slightly increased from 1,317 in 2022 to 1,547 in 2023.
Our culture is experiencing a shift. We’ve all grown sick and tired of the woke mind virus that has infected our culture. To cure this horrific disease, we need Jesus Christ and the faith of our fathers. That’s what our youth are craving and why so many are running toward the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church. They find what they are looking for there.
Being woke is a destructive force.
One factor in this decline has been the overall progressive theological direction of the denomination, especially in regard to the acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. In 2010, for example, when the PCUSA voted to allow regional bodies to ordain non-celibate homosexuals, the decision led to a few hundred congregations leaving in protest.
“Last month, the PCUSA announced that it was cutting several national staff positions and streamlining its agencies and ministries in response to the denominational decline,” the report concluded.