There’s a new film being produced about the life of “It’s a Wonderful Life” actor Jimmy Stewart — who also starred in the classic, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” — that will focus largely on his strong Christian faith. The film is being directed and produced by Aaron Burns, who is working closely with the Stewart family to make the project a reality.
I think this is a great idea. Stewart is a legend in the film business with a really deep resume of amazing films. Back when he was active in Hollywood, things were very different from the way they are today. People of faith played a huge role in making movies and by extension creating art and culture that still influences people to this very day. Sadly, as the entertainment industry has shifted farther and farther to the left, Christians have been ostracized for their beliefs and for not joining the progressive hive mind that has infected and taken over the movie business.
Here are more details on the new film from The Christian Tribune:
Speaking about the upcoming biopic, called A Truly Wonderful Life, in comments to Deadline, director Burns said that the Stewart family had trusted him to accurately show what Stewart was like, including his Christian faith and how he prayed to the Lord above.
He went on to say, “I am so honored Kelly and her family are trusting us with their father’s legacy.” He added, “We are excited to take moviegoers on a journey to discover the real Jimmy, and how his father’s prayers and his collaboration with Frank Capra guided him through his darkest hours. Jimmy came to truly embody the characters he played, as husband, father, and citizen.”
Frank Capra, famously, is the director of It’s A Wonderful Life who asked Stewart to star in the movie, a huge boost to his acting career, which he had left behind to serve in Europe. Speaking about the movie and its success, Stewart noted how central faith is to George Bailey’s character in the movie, saying, “It’s simply about an ordinary man who discovers that living each ordinary day honorably, with faith in God and a selfless concern for others, can make for a truly wonderful life.”
Kelly Stuart, one of Jimmy Stuart’s daughters, said, “Our family is thrilled that Aaron and his team approached us about bringing Dad’s story to life on the big screen.” Continuing, Kelly added, “Everyone loved him as George Bailey. Now they can learn how that movie intertwined with other parts of his life in so many important ways.”
A report coming from the Daily Citizen says that the biopic about Stewart “promises to leave little doubt about his faith and the fact that God answered the prayers he prayed as he read Psalm 91.” That Psalm reads, in part, “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
The connection Stewart has with Psalm 91 came from his dad, who, when he left to go to Europe with the rest of his bomber unit, placed a note and a booklet in the pocket of his uniform. The note said, “My dear Jim, soon after you read this letter, you will be on your way to the worst sort of danger. I have had this in mind for a long time and I am very concerned… But Jim, I am banking on the enclosed copy of the 91st Psalm.”
The note then added, “The thing that takes the place of fear and worry is the promise in these words. I am staking my faith in these words. I feel sure that God will lead you through this mad experience … I can say no more. I only continue to pray. God bless you and keep you.”
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What an awesome and encouraging message to receive from your dad when you’re on the way to war. Clearly, Stewart’s father was a man of faith who passed that legacy down to his son. We need more and more people like Jimmy Stewart in Hollywood today, showing us that you can be an incredibly gifted actor and love Jesus without conflict.