When most people think about Queensland’s Gold Coast in Australia, they conjure up thoughts of vibrant nightlife and entertainment, lots of parties, fun had everywhere. The last thing that comes to mind is an Evangelical Christian event where the gospel is preached and the Holy Spirit moves on hundreds of people to repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ.
And yet, that’s exactly what happened at an event put on by Will Graham, oldest son of Franklin Graham, which was held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. The mainstream media will never cover any of this because it goes against everything the left believes about religion. And, of course, “feel good” stories do not draw in viewers and thus, aren’t profitable.
Check out more about the event via The Christian Post:
This region in Australia is often likened to Miami or Las Vegas for its vibrant tourist attractions and high-end lifestyle, but this free, family-friendly spiritual event with a focused message on Christian faith last Saturday stood out against the usual leisure and indulgence.
“Many people believe there are multiple ways to God, but that’s not what the Bible says,” Will Graham said to the crowd during the event. “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ There’s only one way to God, and that’s through His Son, Jesus Christ, and what He did on the cross. Jesus bled and died to pay the debt so that you and I can have a relationship with God.”
The event culminated with hundreds responding to Graham’s call to begin a new faith journey, visibly moving toward the stage to publicly commit to following Jesus Christ, said the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Over 380 churches and more than 1,000 volunteers contributed to the preparation of the “Look Up Celebration,” BGEA added. The preparation included a Christian Life and Witness Course, aimed at educating participants on living and sharing their faith.
A prayer counselor who only goes by the name of Trinity — really cool name too — described the event as being like a revival.
“I haven’t seen anything like this since I’ve been here,” he explained. “It’s life changing. There’s no greater miracle than the saving of souls. Tonight, I know there’s not just a celebration here with us, but there’s a celebration in Heaven.”
Graham then took to social media to speak about the event, expressing his gratitude to God for how things went.
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“God moved mightily,” he said on Facebook. “As I shared about God’s love with a crowd of more than 4,600 people gathered at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, hundreds decided to put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ. Would you join me in praying for these new believers and for God to continue to work in the Gold Coast?”
Graham has had the honor and privilege of sharing the gospel of Christ with over a million people on six continents ever since getting involved in evangelistic ministry back in 2006.
He then wrote in another post, “I’m in awe of what God did tonight … I praise Him for each person who made a decision to put their faith and trust in Jesus tonight. To God be the glory!”
Now those churches involved in the event need to get in contact with those who made decisions for Christ and ensure that they get plugged into a faith community and grow in obedience to Jesus through discipleship. What an exciting time for those in that part of the world!