It’s crazy to think it’s already been 4 decades since legendary Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon got his groove going on the silver screen and became an instant icon for young folk in the smash hit “Footloose.” Talk about feeling old. I remember when the film was being rented at the video store like crazy. Where did all the time go? When the Lord says life is a vapor, He’s not kidding.
What’s really cool is that the students who attend Payson High School, located in Payson, Utah, where the original film was shot, did a whole lot of lobbying to try and get Bacon to come to the school for senior prom. Well, he announced on Friday that he would indeed be making an appearance during the event. This guy is a class act, isn’t he? With a list of credentials like his, at this point in his career, he doesn’t owe anyone a single thing. His doing this is is proof that not everyone who works in the film industry is out of touch with regular people.
According to Faithit.Com:
Students of Payson High School have worked alongside the Utah Film Commission for over a year on a campaign to get “BaconToPayson.” The school, which served as a primary setting for the 1984 film, is set to be torn down next year, making this the school’s final prom.
Seeing as “Footloose” champions dancing, what better way to commemorate the school and its beloved “Footloose” history, than with Kevin Bacon himself?
Students at Payson High School have pulled out all the stops to get Kevin Bacon to visit their school, using the hashtag #bacontopayson on social media, re-creating scenes from the movie, learning the “Footloose” dance and planning to host an event on prom day to benefit, Bacon’s organization which aims to put together essential resource kits for communities and organizations in need.
Bacon called into the school on Friday through video chat where students were jam packed into the school’s auditorium to hear the announcement.
During the call, Bacon told the students how much he appreciated everything they have done and then let them know he will be at the school on prom day. Again, this is extremely cool and is a memory these kids will never, ever forget. An experience like this will be treasured and a story that will be passed down to their own children in the future.
“I have been so impressed with everything that’s been going on there with this crazy idea to get me to come back,” he began while noting how big the movie and the school has been to his own life.
I think it’s safe to say the student body of Payson High School was happy to hear the news as they burst into cheers and applause during the announcement. Who wouldn’t be happy to have a big name celebrity like Kevin Bacon in the house? You’d have to be a real stick in the mud.
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“I’ve been amazed at the work that all of you have been putting into this, with the musical and the flash mobs and the re-creations,” he went on to say during the call.
“It hasn’t gone unnoticed by me, not to mention the fact that you tied in, our foundation, and are trying to figure out ways to give back to your community. It’s really inspirational, so thank you. Thank you. And I’m gonna come. I gotta come,” he added.
“We’ve worked so hard this year and done our absolute best to make this crazy dream a reality,” said Payson High School Student Body President Rubie Raff. “I can’t believe that it’s finally happening and that we can say we did it! It was all worth it—we got Kevin back to Payson!”
After the big announcement on Friday morning, Rubie then told the actor, “Let’s dance! We’re gonna do it! This is awesome!”
“Thank you guys. Let’s dance,” the actor replied.
This might be the coolest prom night in the history of prom nights. Congratulations Payson High!