Growing up and being the oldest somewhere along the way most of us have been told to watch out for or make sure our younger siblings are okay – especially if you were a big brother. We were taught that we too were responsible for our younger siblings when we’d walk home from school every day or if someone was getting bullied at school, and when we’d go out and play (back when it was safer.)
Even the Bible has lessons on how we’re to not only treat our siblings but also people in general. For example, 1 Timothy 5:1-2 “Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity.” This speaks for itself, and assuming you’d treat your siblings with love, respect, and care – you are to extend those feelings to others. One more verse helps us examine ourselves if we say we love God and are Christian. 1 John 4:20-21 says, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
This is a moral I think is very important to teach and show children, and those of us who had this kind of teaching growing up kept it in our hearts. The teaching only grew as we did. Soon enough, we’d protect our family and the weak. We’d even take a bullet for some, and that’s what Kayden Reid of Mobile, Alabama did.
Kayden, six years old, is now being hailed a hero who saved his younger sister. During a family function, the two nearly met their end when an oncoming vehicle would have hit them.
The chivalrous activities of the six-year-old child are likewise being honored by his local area and the neighborhood firemen.
Kayden saved his sister, Kaycee, from being hit by a vehicle recently – yet because of his actions, he instead was the one who was in danger. The vehicle ended up hitting little Kayden placing him in the hospital momentarily.
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While it wasn’t a bullet he took for his sister, at six years of age, he wasn’t far off. The kids’ mother, Kayla Giles, said as she clenched onto her two children: “By the time everybody else saw Kaycee in the street, Kayden was right there…He ran right into the street to save her. But in the process of getting her out of the way, he got hit by the car. We’re just thankful that we have both kids home and safe today.”
Presently, he’s recuperated completely, and only a couple of days prior he got a hero’s welcome back from his local firefighters when he returned home back from the hospital. They gave him a grand tour through one of their fire engines – and even gave him a front-row view in the driver’s seat.
Thank God the children were safe in the end, and it looks as though with Kayden those teachings we spoke about during the beginning are there, and as he grows so will those teachings.