Heartwarming news full of love gushing out of all corners coming right out of Florida sees Kathy Poirier and her son, Zak, astonished with a touching dance that’ll be sure to inspire and uplift those with ALS and other ailments.
In a momentous moment caught on video, a groom imparted a dance with his mom who can’t walk. Zak Poirier and his mother, Kathy Poirier, went viral after the child – alongside his wedding organizer – each shared footage of the inspiring moment via social media.
Kathy Poirier, 55, was determined to have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS – frequently called Lou Gehrig’s disease – quite a while back. ALS is a disease where nerve cells break down, which causes the functionality in the muscles they supply to reduce. The cause is currently unknown, and the main symptom is muscle weakness, however, presently, there’s no cure at all.
On her big day, April 9, 2022, Zak’s younger siblings Jake and Nick assisted their mother with getting to her feet and offered to help her so that she could hit the dance floor with her oldest at his wedding to his longtime love, Anja D’adesky.
The now-husband told Fox News Digital that his mother and him moved to the melody of ‘Humble and Kind’ by country singer Tim McGraw before the crowd of around 130 visitors at Ever After Farms Blueberry Wedding Barn in Mims, Florida.
“We had planned it. The actual dance itself was spontaneous,” Zak Poirier, 28, said during a phone interview. “We were both pretty adamant that we wanted to share a dance regardless of how long it was. By the time we got up there, we weren’t really sure how it would work — but it went perfectly, and it was great.”
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Mother Kathy felt respected that her child needed to hit the dance floor with her at his own wedding, yet she was still nervous before that second.
“I was very nervous,” she told Fox News Digital. “I was not nervous about dancing with my son. And I was not nervous about my other two sons holding me up or getting me up. That wasn’t what bothered me,” She continued. “It’s that this was such a milestone in one of my kids’ lives, and it wasn’t what I had envisioned. It was really emotional to have to accept the fact that I can’t stand or use my hands. And that people would be watching me. And I felt like I was going to be judged. But I knew I wanted to do it, and I wasn’t going to let anybody tell me I couldn’t.”
Every last ounce of her anxiety disappeared, she said, when she started dancing with her son. On the other hand, Zak said he felt quiet and everything became hazy since he was so centered on that very moment with his mother.
“It was definitely a different feeling,” Zak said.
At that point when they both finished their dance, they got overwhelming applause from their visitors, according to the viral recording shared by the wedding organizer Roots to Stems. As for Kathy, she’s overjoyed that the viral recordings helped bring ALS to light garnering more awareness to the disease.
“This disease — it’s been over 80 years since Lou Gehrig was diagnosed and there’s still no cure,” she said. “And doctors will tell you that you have three to five years to live. Don’t ever believe that. Because you can fight it.”