God, the Creator of all that exists, has been telling us through the pages of Holy Scripture, what lies ahead for the future of mankind and the end of human history. However, the vast majority of humanity seems to be more interested in mindlessly scrolling through TikTok and Instagram reels than listening to the Word of God and what it has to say to us about how to live a life pleasing to our Creator and what we need to watch for to signal the end of the world. And that’s a sad statement in and of itself, right?
Recently, according to End of the American Dream, a woman who goes by the name Elizabeth Nebenfuhr, contacted the main author for the site to share a chilling near death experience she had while undergoing an operation. The writer, Michael, asked her to write out everything she witnessed during her experience in the hopes it would touch someone’s life. And no, the writer is not me. It’s a total coincidence we share the same name.
Before we get into the meat and potatoes of the NDE Elizabeth had, some background information is needed. Nebenfuhr was diagnosed with breast cancer during the summer of 2024, finding out the kind she had was extremely aggressive and thus required an equally aggressive treatment. Doctors informed her she would need a mastectomy of her left breast along with aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
She then recounts how a year and a half later, she began to experience devastatingly harsh pain that was so severe she would beg God to take it all away. Nebenfuhr explained that the damage done to her nerves, muscles, and tendons from the chemotherapy and radiation that if she attempted to reach out or up it would result in agonizing pain. Elizabeth said in her account that she just wanted to be able to lift her arms in praise to God without experiencing pain of this magnitude.
It was inevitable that she would have to undergo more surgical procedures to fix her issues.
During her time with Jesus, Elizabeth witnessed cataclysms that are far beyond anything that any of us have ever experienced, and she saw that they would just keep hitting one after another. It will be a time of tremendous terror and death. People won’t have time to deal with the consequences of one disaster before another one strikes. Elizabeth was truly horrified by what she was shown, but Jesus also had some very encouraging words of comfort as well. The following is Elizabeth Nebenfuhr’s testimony in her own words… I had had many surgeries before, and remember I had my mastectomy already so I was fully trusting God that He would take care of me through this journey as well.
I have shared the testimony of my souls encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, as my body lay on operating room table, I stood with the Lord. I will include links to testimonies in comment section if you would like to listen and share.
Our precious LORD told me many things and I’ve shared those things with whoever would listen, on blog talks, podcasts and YouTube ministries as well as my own FB live. He told me I had to go back and tell His children the things He told me and showed me. He told me to ‘Tell His children, tell His people , tell is church (just like that) that He loves them and He’s coming back very soon, but before He comes back there are things they must do and things that must happen.”
I told Him ‘they will not listen or believe me… He said “Elizabeth they did not believe me or listen to me either, and they mocked me…” then I was reminded of the words in the Bible, His crucifixion. I have had many naysayers, but I can’t let that stop me. What I’m here today to share with you is about what He imparted into my spirit (it’s hard to describe) that I could only share bits and pieces throughout the years because it is so painful and traumatic. The faces I saw in my spirit broke my heart, I call it “The faces of hopelessness” many will die with those faces and the faces of terror.
Nebenfuhr then stated that many of the faces she saw were full of hopelessness, going on to say that many will end up dying with that hopeless expression and terror on their face. She then recounted hearing Jesus speak and He revealing his sorrow over the souls of the lost. Elizabeth reminds readers of her account that God does not take pleasure in the punishment of the wicked. Man brought His wrath down upon themselves through sin, greed, lust, pride, and all the other sins.
He impressed upon me that His children must worship Him in spirit and in truth! His children today must be prepared to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power in these days to come. He impressed upon my spirit that His coming is very, very soon and He began to impress upon me the things to come. He said “I am coming soon!” And I knew as He spoke that it was very, very soon.
He then said ” Before I come there will be catastrophic events and great destruction… and hopelessness” It was impressed upon me what those things will look like and I will now speak of those things. I will say this… that after this visitation I was never the same, I knew His great love, His sorrow about sinfulness but I also knew His Holy justice. My heart was in distress for many days after I cried wanting to go back with Him, but I knew I had to return and care for my husband, children and later grandchildren, but mostly I had to preach and share what I saw.
Elizabeth then shared that she was shown the earth opening up and swallowing people into massive pits. The earth itself will ripple. Natural disasters will pop up everywhere including tornadoes, huricanes, even tsunamis and more. People will be begging for relief from it all, but none will come. One devastation after another will impact earth.
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All this time I was asking Jesus to help me to remember it all, but I also did not want to be given such an assignment it was going to be hard and I knew it and I knew I was going to be hated for what I must stand for, possibly even die for all of what I’m shown and told (no one wants to be hated, threatened or murdered, but GOD) Most Christians today they just want to tell of the good things so no one will be upset…I told the LORD I needed His help and boldness and He filled me right there and then.
Woman will take the lives of their babies in their own womb in the streets to make a point to those who want to save their babies and there will be nothing anyone can do…evil will seem as if it’s having its way. People will be in great terror and try to flee, but they will be caught. The unthinkable things they do in the dark will be done in the open air …Isaiah 24:18 The darkness that will take place will be worse than what people were doing in Pompei before it’s great destruction there will not even be ash left that takes the form of it’s victims.
And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. If you want to ensure you have protection from the Lord over the end of the world, you must confess yours sins to God and repent. If you neglect to do so you will be judged for your sin. You either know Jesus as Savior or simply as Lord. You do not want be part of the latter, but the former.