Author: clayton

Could the Catholic Church excommunicate Biden? If recent comments by top Catholic leaders are any indication, it’s a very real possibility. Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former prefect of the Vatican’s highest doctrine office, vehemently denounced President Joe Biden for his staunch support of abortion, going far as to label the act as “infanticide.” Müller’s strong condemnation comes in the wake of Biden’s commitment to reinstate Roe v. Wade as the definitive law of the land, voiced in his State of the Union Address. “The word ‘abortion’ is too much a soft word. The reality is killing, murder of a living…

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Jay Leno’s wife, Mavis, is experiencing a decline in health due to advanced dementia, with new court documents revealing she sometimes does not recognize her husband or remember her own date of birth. The 77-year-old’s condition was detailed in a recent report filed by her court-appointed counsel, Ronald Ostrin, as part of a conservatorship petition initiated by Jay Leno in January. Leno sought conservatorship to establish a living trust for Mavis, looking to secure her future care through managed assets, especially in the event of his passing. The former “Tonight Show” host disclosed his wife’s diagnosis in the conservatorship documents,…

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Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow delivered moving testimony during a recent House of Representatives hearing on ‘Combating Child Sexual Abuse Material.’ His comments underlined the urgency and gravity of the situation surrounding child abuse, positioning it as a critical societal issue that demands immediate action. The former Florida Gator introduced the concept of the “MVP” – not the Most Valuable Player, but the Most Vulnerable People. “But honestly, why we’re here today is to talk about the MVP,” Tebow said. “Not the MVP I chased most of my life. Couldn’t get it, by the way, but chased. Not the MVP…

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