A woman from Texas who goes by the name Nanny is going viral online after her great-grandson created a TikTok account just for her. And there’s a really good reason for doing so. The young man’s great grandmother is becoming an internet sensation due to her extremely refreshing take about death in a series of wholesome videos that will be like a bowl of chicken soup for your soul. You guys remember those books? Man, the 1990s were a pretty good time, weren’t they? Never thought I’d miss those days. Enough commiserating. Let’s get back to Nanny. The account, Nannyfayeandme,…
Author: michael
Without a doubt, one of the most controversial Christian pastors alive today is Douglas Wilson hailing from the little college burg of Moscow, Idaho. Wilson is the kind of man who is dedicated completely to the God of the Scriptures, putting Christ first and foremost in his life and has made it his life’s mission to seek to not only engage in the culture at large, but to preach the gospel faithfully, apply it to the realms of entertainment, politics, and everything in between, to establish the kingdom of God, starting in his own backyard in Moscow. Needless to say,…
The Gospel Music Association got on their Instagram account last week where they announced that gospel singer Gabriel Patillo passed away on April 12. The post revealed he died surrounded by his family and loved ones. The GMA also revealed that the singer is the song of their president Jackie Patillo. The cause of Patillo’s death was cancer. Cancer takes so many lives and causes so much suffering, both for the loved ones left behind, as well as its victims. We’ve been studying this illness for what feels like an eternity, and while there have been many excellent advancements made…
Chip Gaines, who rose to fame with the hit reality television series, “Fixer Upper,” has really ticked off a lot of his fans this week after he made what many have labeled an “out-of-touch” comment concerning money. I mean, is there anything a person can say these days that doesn’t press some insecure individuals buttons on the internet? It seems like that’s the whole reason social media exists sometimes. According to Kay Smythe of The Daily Caller, the whole matter seems to be a huge misunderstanding, which, again, sums up the vast majority of kerfuffles that unfold on the internet,…
Living life in Hollywood isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Fame and fortune do not come without a heavy price tag, and it most often costs folks their souls or their mental health. However, there are a few performers in the entertainment industry who have found a way to not only survive with soul intact, but to actually thrive. One such individual is “Yellowstone” actress Lainey Wilson. So how does she do it? She leans heavily on her faith in God. “I feel like there’s a few things that keep me grounded,” the country star, who is 31 years old, said…
For well over 30 years now, John Burke has dedicated his life to studying the unusual phenomenon we all know as near-death experiences, or NDEs, which has led him to making a startling discovery concerning one particular aspect they all have in common: Every single one of them, when they occur, regardless of the individual’s religious upbringing or background, encounters the God of the Bible. Did anyone else just a shiver up the spine after reading that? Could it be that the Bible is…gasp…true? I know that statement just made a whole lot of people uncomfortable. After all, the God…
When the Robertsons, most famous for their television program, “Duck Dynasty,” first told members of their family and their friends they had decided to give the world of reality TV a try, the one thing they heard time and time again was, “don’t go to Hollywood.” Which is understandable advice when you realize just how morally bankrupt the entertainment industry is and how destructive it can be for those who enter it. It’s basically a giant blender that slice, dices, and chops your soul into oblivion. Don’t believe me? Look at what happened to actress Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, and…
Without a doubt, one of the most important days in a person’s life is their wedding day. Everyone dreams of making the occasion special, of having the perfect day, and part of that is ensuring that you look your absolute best before, during, and after the ceremony. And that, of course, means losing weight. I know, I almost lost you right there. Dieting is a swear word in some people’s vocabulary. That’s understandable given the fact that modern-day dieting is a nightmare. Giving up tasty things you love to eat and literally sweating your backside off is not fun. However,…
One of the most beloved figures, a man who has become a symbol of justice, compassion, and resilience for the people who call Providence, Rhode Island home, is Judge Frank Caprio. His claim to fame comes from his lengthy services as the Judge of the Providence Court and has become a cherished member of his community and across the nation. Unfortunately, Caprio has had a rough go of things as of late. Many hurdles and obstacles have been tossed along the path his life has taken, but perhaps the greatest challenge he’s facing is his fight with pancreatic cancer. However,…
Sometimes you hear a new rendition of an older, but still hugely popular song that gives you a case of the shiveries — in a good way — all down your spine. You know, the kind of performance that causes goosebumps to pop up all over your arms? That’s exactly what will happen when you check out the cover two sisters from Canada did of the song “Hallelujah” by singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen. However, the two girls, who hail from Fort Frances, Ontario, made some alterations to the verses in order to make them tell of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In…
A church located in the state of Arizona has filed a lawsuit against the City of San Luis, accusing officials of blocking its charitable food distribution to individuals and families in need. The whole “we’re the government and here to help,” line is one of the scariest things you can ever imagine hearing, especially when you understand that they don’t really plan to help anyone other than themselves by usurping power and authority. First Liberty Institute, a conservative legal firm, in partnership with law firm Snell and Wilmer L.L.P. filed a complaint and request to have a preliminary injunction in…
It’s crazy to think it’s already been 4 decades since legendary Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon got his groove going on the silver screen and became an instant icon for young folk in the smash hit “Footloose.” Talk about feeling old. I remember when the film was being rented at the video store like crazy. Where did all the time go? When the Lord says life is a vapor, He’s not kidding. What’s really cool is that the students who attend Payson High School, located in Payson, Utah, where the original film was shot, did a whole lot of lobbying to…
Popular Christian actor Kirk Cameron is partnering up with his sister, Candace Cameron Bure, in order to hopefully inspire millions with a message of true hope. The duo are now working toward organizing and hosting a benefit concert called “Hope Rising” as a means of raising money to help people negatively impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This is what being the hands and feet of Jesus looks like. God doesn’t need our good works to save us from our sins. He took care of that through His Son on the cross. Our neighbors need our good works and this is…
One of the most special times of the year for a believer in Christ is Easter. It’s essentially the whole reason the religion exists in the first place. Without Jesus Christ rising from the dead, there’s no salvation for sins. It’s just as critical for the Lord to have risen from the grave as it is that he bore our sins on the cross and died to pay our debt to God the Father. Many will take the week of Easter to reflect on their salvation and what Jesus had to endure in order to make it possible. Which is…
Country music star Luke Bryan lost his brother-in-law, Ben Lee Cheshire, to a heart attack, which is just a few years after Bryan’s own sister, the wife of Cheshire, died. I can’t imagine how difficult this kind of loss must be for someone. Two of the people he was probably the closest to are now gone from his life. Death is such a cruel part of life. Of course, it was never meant to be a part of the human experience, but the sin of Adam and Eve ushered in death as judgment, thus, here we are. Bryan is a…
Hands down, one of the best fast food restaurant chains around is Chick-fil-A. I’m not just saying that because I’m a Christian who loves the fact the company is owned by other believers and closes shop on Sundays to allow folks to attend worship services. They really do have great products and extremely good service. I highly recommend their chicken sandwiches and fries complete with the traditional Chick-fil-A sauce. That being said, the popular restaurant chain just announced that it would be making a shift from antibiotic-free chicken beginning this spring due to supply reasons. This is unfortunate, but what…
Texas Pastor Thomas Wilson recently received yet another reason to give God all the glory and praise after surviving a horrific incident in which he was robbed and shot twice after he refused to allow the gunman to use his phone. The shooter told the pastor of Meadowbrook Baptist Church, “God is not going to bless you tonight.” Well, that’s where this gentleman was wrong. God did bless Pastor Wilson. He kept him alive and thwarted the efforts of this godless, wayward man. I’d say that’s a miracle, wouldn’t you? According to The American Tribune: The encounter happened last Wednesday…
We’re only a few weeks away from one of the most historic astronomical events in American history, which is being called the Great American Eclipse of 2024. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Reports have stated that the eclipse will pass over a total of 7 locations called “Ninevah” as it makes its way over the country. It turns out that it will also pass over a place in Texas called “Jonah.” That’s a pretty amazing coincidence, right? Maybe it’s not a coincidence all? God is sovereign over the cosmos after all and we know He always has a plan…
Last week a series of deadly tornadoes swept through the Midwest and left an path of ruin and destruction in its wake. Atheists and those who are haters of God might ask the question why a good Creator who loves His creation would allow something like this to happen? The truth is, we can never know the answer to that question. We have to trust that God has a plan and a reason for ordaining the things that unfold in this life and that they are somehow meant for our good. He sees the full picture of which we are…
As a kid growing up in the 1980s, I was a huge fan of professional wrestling. And, like most young boys at the time, I idolized the very massive, very cool, Hulk Hogan. I had the toys, sweatshirts, head bands, wrist bands, you name it. He was my hero. I looked up to him as the perfect masculine ideal. That, of course, was dumb of me because Hogan is just a man, flawed like everyone else, and certainly not a god as I made him out to be in my idolatrous young heart. But hey, I was only five or…